25 October 201925 October 2019Valentin Emiya IA et musique: présentations d’articles scientifiques (8/11/2019)
14 October 201914 October 2019Luc Giffon Riikka Huusari will defend her PhD. on 7th of November: Kernel learning for structured data: A study on learning operator- and scalar-valued kernels for multi-view and multi-task learning problems
4 October 201921 September 2022Valentin Emiya Interview of Cécile Capponi, Ambassadrice 2019 of Fête de la Science
11 September 201911 September 2019Valentin Emiya One paper accepted at NeurIPS 2019: “Unsupervised Object Segmentation by Redrawing” by Chen et al.
26 August 201921 September 2022Luc Giffon Internship: Machine Learning methods for image-based studies of experimental immunology
24 July 201924 July 2019Luc Giffon Riikka Huusari has got a paper accepted at IJCAI 2019: Entangled Kernels
1 July 20191 July 2019Luc Giffon Cécile Capponi presents Machine Learning research in Biology at the Centuri Seminar
20 June 201920 June 2019Sokol Koco Qarma organizes a Workshop on Machine Learning and Quantum Computation
18 June 201918 June 2019Luc Giffon Luc rencontre les Petits Débrouillards de Marseille pour présenter le jeu Shifumi-AI et le travail de doctorant
26 May 201927 May 2019Cecile Capponi Qarma co-organizes the ECML’2019 workshop on Data and Machine Learning Advances with Multiple Views : Call for datasets and papers is open until 07th of june !
26 May 201921 September 2022Cecile Capponi Two works accepted at CAp’2019: Cross-View Kernel Transfer by Riikka Huusari et al., and Fast C-bound greedy minimization with guarantees on generalization by Baptiste Bauvin et al.
24 May 201927 May 2019Valentin Emiya Paper accepted at IEEE Trans. on Information Theory: Recovery and convergence rate of the Frank-Wolfe Algorithm for the m-EXACT-SPARSE Problem, by F. Cherfaoui et al.
15 May 201921 September 2022Liva Ralaivola Bandits on partially ordered sets @France is AI (video, Liva talks about his work with Julien Audiffren)
2 May 201921 September 2022Luc Giffon Luc Giffon has got a paper accepted at the IJCNN Conference: “Deep Networks with Adaptive Nyström Approximation”
29 April 201910 May 2019Luc Giffon We are looking for a Ph.D. candidate for a thesis on multi-view learning with big astrophysics databases
29 April 201929 April 2019Luc Giffon Paul Villoutreix speaks at the “Espace Ethique Méditerranéen” for the seminar “Algorithmes décisionnels & Intelligence artificielle: enjeux éthiques liés aux usages du numériques en santé”
24 April 201924 April 2019Luc Giffon Luc Giffon présente “Intelligence Artificelle ou Apprentissage automatique” au forum des mathématiques d’Aix-en-Provence
24 April 201924 April 2019Luc Giffon L’équipe Qarma présente Shifumi-IA au grand Forum des Mathématiques à Aix-en-Provence
22 March 20195 April 2019Luc Giffon Paul Villoutreix talks at GdR ADN in Lyon : “From open large image datasets to scientific insights in developmental biology”
22 March 201922 March 2019Liva Ralaivola 22/03/19, Liva talks at Hello Tomorrow in the panel “What happens when AI fails?”
22 March 201921 September 2022Liva Ralaivola 30/03/19: Liva is talking AI at the “CPPM@conférences Mystères de l’univers”
6 March 20196 March 2019Remi Eyraud Rémi Eyraud is an invited speaker at “Deep Learning and Formal Languages: Building Bridges”
26 October 201826 October 2018Valentin Emiya Novembre 2018: le mois de l’IA sur Marseille et sa région
23 October 201821 September 2022Cecile Capponi Rémi Eyraud represented Machine Learning at the Marseille Web Festival 2018 !
1 October 201823 October 2018Valentin Emiya Shifumi-IA: jusqu’à 75% de victoires pour la machine Qarma!
31 August 201821 September 2022Liva Ralaivola Aix-Marseille Université veut devenir un haut lieu de l’intelligence artificielle
4 May 20184 May 2018Valentin Emiya Journée spéciale “intelligence artificielle et apprentissage automatique”, 22 mai 2018, Marseille
3 May 201824 August 2018Valentin Emiya À la une de la Provence du 3 mai 2018: « Marseille candidate à l’intelligence artificielle »
3 December 20134 April 2019Valentin Emiya L’odyssée d’Othello by Liva Ralaivola at Treize Minutes Marseille
2 December 20134 April 2019Valentin Emiya Julien Audiffren’s interview about Treize Minutes Marseille, Marsactu’s Talk Sciences