Author: Valentin Emiya
Best paper @ICMI 2024
AI and Physical Sciences @AMU on Nov 12, 2024
HDR by Valentin Emiya on Oct 11, 2024
[Rencontres de rue] comprendre les décisions de l’IA
[Speed-searching] De l’Alcazar à la Grande Roue cette semaine!
[Podcast] Hachem Kadri : les supers pouvoirs du monde quantique pour une IA plus efficace
ICML’24: two papers accepted
New paper @ACM web conference: Hierarchical Tensor Clustering for Multiple Graphs Representation by Karima Boutalbi, Rafika Boutalbi, Herve Verjus and Kave Salamatian
New paper @Ocean Engineering – Beyond geofencing: Behavior detection using AIS
New paper @NeurIPS: Deep learning with kernels through RKHM and the Perron-Frobenius operator
Welcome Alexandre Bonomo!
PhD offer : Deep Learning for understanding sound representations in the brain
PhD offer: Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Astrophysics
Welcome Rafika Boutalbi!
New paper@UAI’22: Quantum Perceptron Revisited… by M. Roget, G. Di Molfetta and H. Kadri
Workshop on Quantum Machine Learning @ECML’22
13 interns @Qarma in 2021-2022!
PhD position: Multimodal Fair Learning
Welcome Thomas Schatz!
New Springer Machine Learning paper : QuicK-means: Acceleration of K-means by learning a fast transform, by L. Giffon et al.
Two papers accepted at IJCNN’21
PhD position @Qarma: Frugal Models and Algorithms for Machine Learning
Poste de Professeur en Informatique profil apprentissage automatique et ses applications
New IEEE JSTSP paper on time-frequency fading by Marina Kreme et al.
Open postdoc position @Qarma
New paper accepted at ICML’20: Partial Trace Regression and Low-Rank Kraus Decomposition, by H. Kadri, S. Ayache, R. Huusari, A. Rakotomamonjy, L. Ralaivola
New paper accepted at CAp’20: Pruning Random Forest with Orthogonal Matching Trees, by L. Giffon, C. Lamothe, L. Bouscarrat, P. Milanesi, F. Cherfaoui, S. Koço
One open PhD position at Qarma funded by ANR IA program and Imaging Institute
Two open PhD positions at Qarma funded by ANR IA program and Archimede Institute
Full Professor position@Qarma
Master internship offer: learning fast transforms
IA et musique: présentations d’articles scientifiques (8/11/2019)
Interview of Cécile Capponi, Ambassadrice 2019 of Fête de la Science
One paper accepted at NeurIPS 2019: “Unsupervised Object Segmentation by Redrawing” by Chen et al.
“Théorie du deep learning”, Paris, Oct. 17 2019.
QuantML and UnLIR : 2 ANR projects accepted

Paper accepted at IEEE Trans. on Information Theory: Recovery and convergence rate of the Frank-Wolfe Algorithm for the m-EXACT-SPARSE Problem, by F. Cherfaoui et al.
New research internship @Searoutes+LIS
Novembre 2018: le mois de l’IA sur Marseille et sa région
Shifumi-IA: jusqu’à 75% de victoires pour la machine Qarma!
Qarma présente : Shifumi-IA
Journée spéciale “intelligence artificielle et apprentissage automatique”, 22 mai 2018, Marseille