24 May 202428 May 2024Valentin Emiya [Podcast] Hachem Kadri : les supers pouvoirs du monde quantique pour une IA plus efficace
5 March 202427 March 2024Valentin Emiya New paper @ACM web conference: Hierarchical Tensor Clustering for Multiple Graphs Representation by Karima Boutalbi, Rafika Boutalbi, Herve Verjus and Kave Salamatian
6 February 202415 February 2024Thierry Artieres Master 2 and Engineer school internships (Spring 2024)
4 January 202427 March 2024Valentin Emiya New paper @Ocean Engineering – Beyond geofencing: Behavior detection using AIS
9 December 202327 March 2024Valentin Emiya New paper @NeurIPS: Deep learning with kernels through RKHM and the Perron-Frobenius operator
23 January 202323 January 2023Ronan Sicre Open PhD position: “MitoLearner: deep learning and explainable AI to understand the role of mitochondria genes in cancer cells”
23 September 202223 September 2022Ronan Sicre Project Interpretability of deep neural networks for medical image classification, funded by Laennec Institute
10 September 202222 September 2022Valentin Emiya PhD offer : Deep Learning for understanding sound representations in the brain
10 September 202222 September 2022Valentin Emiya PhD offer: Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Astrophysics
1 August 202223 November 2023Valentin Emiya New paper@UAI’22: Quantum Perceptron Revisited… by M. Roget, G. Di Molfetta and H. Kadri
30 June 202130 June 2021Valentin Emiya New Springer Machine Learning paper : QuicK-means: Acceleration of K-means by learning a fast transform, by L. Giffon et al.
22 April 202121 September 2022Valentin Emiya PhD position @Qarma: Frugal Models and Algorithms for Machine Learning
18 March 202121 September 2022Valentin Emiya Poste de Professeur en Informatique profil apprentissage automatique et ses applications
23 February 202123 February 2021Valentin Emiya New IEEE JSTSP paper on time-frequency fading by Marina Kreme et al.
20 January 202129 March 2021Thierry Artieres New paper: Intersection of ML and developmental biology – a review by Paul Villoutreix
18 January 202118 January 2021Hachem Kadri New paper accepted at JMLR: Entangled Kernels — Beyond Separability, by R. Huusari and H. Kadri
7 January 202121 September 2022Thierry Artieres Poste de Maître de Conférences en Apprentissage Automatique
26 August 202026 August 2020Hachem Kadri New paper accepted at Quantum Machine Intelligence: Quantum Bandits, by B. Casalé, G. Di Molfetta, H. Kadri, L. Ralaivola
3 June 202026 August 2020Valentin Emiya New paper accepted at ICML’20: Partial Trace Regression and Low-Rank Kraus Decomposition, by H. Kadri, S. Ayache, R. Huusari, A. Rakotomamonjy, L. Ralaivola
3 June 20203 June 2020Valentin Emiya New paper accepted at CAp’20: Pruning Random Forest with Orthogonal Matching Trees, by L. Giffon, C. Lamothe, L. Bouscarrat, P. Milanesi, F. Cherfaoui, S. Koço
28 May 202021 September 2022Valentin Emiya One open PhD position at Qarma funded by ANR IA program and Imaging Institute
27 May 202021 September 2022Valentin Emiya Two open PhD positions at Qarma funded by ANR IA program and Archimede Institute
15 April 202015 April 2020Charly Lamothe Akrem Sellami has got a paper accepted at IJCNN 2020: Mapping individual differences in cortical architecture using multi-view representation learning
9 March 20209 March 2020Luc Giffon L’IMéRA organise un Workshop sur le thème: “Intelligence and Artificial intelligence”
9 March 20209 March 2020Luc Giffon Qarma propose une formation: Fondamentaux du Machine Learning et Deep Learning
22 February 202021 September 2022Thierry Artieres Research engineer (4 years) on Machine Learning at the Institute on Language, Communication and the Brain (ILCB)
11 December 201921 September 2022Ronan Sicre Master internship offer: unsupervised learning for image recognition.