9 March 20209 March 2020Luc Giffon L’IMéRA organise un Workshop sur le thème: “Intelligence and Artificial intelligence”
9 March 20209 March 2020Luc Giffon Qarma propose une formation: Fondamentaux du Machine Learning et Deep Learning
14 October 201914 October 2019Luc Giffon Riikka Huusari will defend her PhD. on 7th of November: Kernel learning for structured data: A study on learning operator- and scalar-valued kernels for multi-view and multi-task learning problems
26 August 201921 September 2022Luc Giffon Internship: Machine Learning methods for image-based studies of experimental immunology
24 July 201924 July 2019Luc Giffon Riikka Huusari has got a paper accepted at IJCAI 2019: Entangled Kernels
1 July 20191 July 2019Luc Giffon Cécile Capponi presents Machine Learning research in Biology at the Centuri Seminar
18 June 201918 June 2019Luc Giffon Luc rencontre les Petits Débrouillards de Marseille pour présenter le jeu Shifumi-AI et le travail de doctorant
2 May 201921 September 2022Luc Giffon Luc Giffon has got a paper accepted at the IJCNN Conference: “Deep Networks with Adaptive Nyström Approximation”
29 April 201910 May 2019Luc Giffon We are looking for a Ph.D. candidate for a thesis on multi-view learning with big astrophysics databases
29 April 201929 April 2019Luc Giffon Paul Villoutreix speaks at the “Espace Ethique Méditerranéen” for the seminar “Algorithmes décisionnels & Intelligence artificielle: enjeux éthiques liés aux usages du numériques en santé”
24 April 201924 April 2019Luc Giffon Luc Giffon présente “Intelligence Artificelle ou Apprentissage automatique” au forum des mathématiques d’Aix-en-Provence
24 April 201924 April 2019Luc Giffon L’équipe Qarma présente Shifumi-IA au grand Forum des Mathématiques à Aix-en-Provence
22 March 20195 April 2019Luc Giffon Paul Villoutreix talks at GdR ADN in Lyon : “From open large image datasets to scientific insights in developmental biology”